Announcements (2-23-25)
Welcome to a trip with us. We are visiting the pages of Scripture to find the Mountains where God meets with us. You are here on a great week. May you be blessed as we see the importance of coming down the mountain and out to the world with the message entrusted to us that we were given on Mt. Sinai.
Be sure to stop at the NEXT STEPS wall to discover a personalized plan for you to grow in your faith. We’d love to walk beside you the whole way. Use the Connect Card in the seat back to let us know you were here or request additional information. If you are viewing this online complete the Digital Connect Card to let us know if we may serve you in any way. Check out the NEXT STEPS section on the website.
Please come again to worship with us soon.
Some of the Bible’s most foundational stories happen on mountains, from God Giving the Commandments to Jesus’ famous Sermon on the Mount. As the biblical narrative unfolds, a literary mountain motif emerges, with characters like Abraham being tested on a mountain and prophets like Elijah receiving instruction or revelation from God while meeting with him at high altitudes. In the Bible, mountains are mentioned not merely as geographic settings but as sacred places where Heaven and Earth meet—where the divine presence joins humanity to provide instruction, direction, and hope for the day when all of Heaven and Earth are finally one.
The Genius of Israel
Watch a documentary beginning this week, Sunday, February 23, 10:45am. We will view the film two Sunday mornings after worship downstairs in the Theatre Room.
The Genius of Israel explores the country’s strong sense of community, innovation, and resilience that has helped it overcome many Western social problems. This heartwarming and insightful documentary reveals how Israel has thrived against all odds!
Attention: Elementary, Middle School & High School students
The 2025 season begins on Tuesday. Come and enjoy a night filled with energy, speed, education, cars, fun, laughter, family connection, and a challenge to live out our fast-paced lives with faith.
Pastor Mark will be there to greet you with a team of volunteers to mentor you as you learn about remote control and real cars.
Grab some friends and come on down to the gym at St. Peter’s for an unforgettable experience of racing. We gather about 6:45pm to get equipment ready and start our program at 7:00pm.
What a Year!
Yes, it is just numbers. But, each number represents a life changed; a life invested in; a live filled with faith. From teachers, to YouTube to major facility projects to dollars donated, each matters.
Thank you for being part of ministry we do together. We serve others in Jesus’ name. We will describe these numbers at the congregational meeting today, but we wanted to share a peek.
Giving Opportunity:
We are in a giving challenge this year. What is a giving challenge? Give from your income before you spend anywhere else and see if God won’t bless you incredibly during all of 2025.
We encourage you to join us in the excitement of generous giving in 2025. Check out the giving options on the website by clicking the button below. Perhaps you want to support the Lord’s ministries, or give specifically to the Facility Fund. Wherever and however much you give, you will partner with God to bless others.
Together we meet families at the intersection of faith and real life.
LA Wildfires
After the wildfires in the LA area you may be wondering about ways that you can help. The collection of churches that we are a part of recently sent this out regarding immediate assistance needed:
Pray - Continue to lift up the victims, first responders, communities and all of us in prayer as we experience this significant disaster. This includes praying that we recognize the opportunities we have to share the light and love of Jesus to so many in need. Especially be in prayer as another significant wind event is expected this week.
Donate - Victims will have a significant immediate need for financial resources to purchase basic items, pay for hotel stays, pay for meals, etc. The Pacific Southwest District has a standing fund which you can donate funds to for this purpose (CLICK HERE). They immediately distributed funds to area congregations, and will continue to do so.
Love - Be the hands and feet of Jesus as you care spiritually for those you may come in contact with that are affected by this disaster, and even those who may not be in the immediate area but are traumatized. This especially applies to active, caring listening as they share their trauma and needs.
Pray for America
This week will be filled with activity as President Trump is inaugurated for his second term as president. We invite you to pray for our country. Download a prayer guide, from CBN News, to help you pray more effectively for all three branches of our government. The guide includes:
quotes from our history’s leaders to inspire your thinking
Scriptures to inform your study
prayer starters to guide your words
Marriage Weekend - Feb 28 - Mar 2
Ever feel like your marriage isn’t quite getting the attention it needs? Maybe your schedules, or the time you haven’t had to talk, have begun to push you to opposite corners of the room. When one of you forgets to pay the electric bill or responds with a little irritation, it can be easy to drift apart without even realizing it.
Take a weekend to focus on each other at FamilyLife’s Weekend to Remember marriage getaway.
Upcoming Member Birthdays
Feb 27 - Roya Bordthauser
Mar 1 - Mark Shockey
Mar 6 - Dawn Schaekel
Mar 9 - James Annen