Upcoming Events

Laugh for Life
New Life Family Services has announced that The Laugh for Life is back, and will showcase Trey Kennedy as the featured act!
Trey found fame on social media while he was in college. He currently has a podcast titled “Correct Opinions” and just concluded his “Grow Up” Comedy Tour selling out cities across the United States. Trey hopes to continue creating fun and relatable content in order to deliver some joy where it’s needed and help people find common ground through comedy.
There will be an opener from Twin-Cities comedian Juice and an opportunity to hear more about our ministry. You do not want to miss this unforgettable evening of comedy and community.

Sunday Morning Worship
Experience God’s presence in a whole new way this Easter. “More of You God” is a journey leading to Easter. Together we will engage God’s story–beginning in the garden of Eden when we experienced separation from God, journeying through the saving work of Jesus that gave us a way back to God, and learning to live fully in our restored relationship through Jesus.

Facility Work Day
Join us on April 5 at 9:30 AM as we work together to get our gymnasium ready for painting! We’ll be clearing clutter, removing basketball hoops, and deep cleaning the space. This is a great opportunity to serve, connect, and make a difference. All are welcome—many hands make light work! Come ready to lend a hand and be part of this exciting transformation.

Blood Drive
St. Peter’s will be hosting a blood drive in the Sanctuary on Thursday April 24.

School Picture Day
On March 18, Orange Fox Photography will be coming to St. Peter’s to take school pictures. Each student’s photo will be taken during the school day and you will have the option to buy prints as soon as they become available.

Fundraiser Night
Join us for our next fundraiser dinner at Café Zupas, where you can enjoy a house-made meal while supporting St. Peter’s and our gym!

Marriage Weekend
No marriage is static. Each day, each choice — you’re either moving closer together, toward oneness … or drifting farther apart. At the intersection of a faith-based marriage conference and romantic retreat from everyday life, Weekend to Remember helps couples do just that — choose oneness. Whether you’re sending up an SOS for marital rescue or looking to foster an already flourishing connection, Weekend to Remember is your best next step toward being, and staying, one.

ECEC Closed
The ECEC will be closed February 12-14, for all faculty professional development.

SpongeBob The Musical - UTC
Unlabeled Theatre Company is celebrating their one year anniversary with their third production, SPONGEBOB the MUSICAL. In typical UTC fashion, this version will be unlike any other you've seen on either television or on the stage. Get ready to experience their unique “shadow partner” staging model as they reimagine this contemporary classic.

Red Letter Christmas
This Christmas Eve, gather with us for Red Letter Christmas, a heartfelt worship experience celebrating Jesus as the greatest gift! Together, we’ll reflect on His words—the red letters in the Bible—and the hope, peace, joy, and love He brings into our lives. Come celebrate and unbox the gift of Christmas with us. We can’t wait to worship with you!

Christmas Break
The ECEC will be closed for Christmas from December 23 to January 1. We will reopen on Thursday January 2. Have a safe and blessed Christmas!

Fundraiser Night
We are partnering with Davanni’s to host a fundraiser where 20% of your meal order will directly contribute to improving our gymnasium. Our future projects include fixing our gym's furnace, giving the wall a fresh coat of paint to fix previous water damage, and resurfacing the floor. We will be hosting multiple fundraisers to improve our gym facilities.

Red Letter Advent
Get ready for a powerful Advent journey unboxing the gifts Jesus wants you to both receive and give away: hope, peace, joy, and love.

Thanksgiving Holiday Closure
St. Peter’s ECEC will be closed November 28th and November 29th for Thanksgiving break. Have a wonderful holiday!

Operation Christmas Child
St. Peter’s will be partnering with Operation Christmas Child to deliver great joy and the Good News of Jesus Christ to children all around the world through gift-filled shoeboxes. Each box packed full of quality toys, school supplies, and personal care items becomes a tangible expression of God's immense love for each child. For many, it is their first gift ever!

Fall Festival
Join us for a festive night of dinner, and crafts followed by “classroom n’ treat”! Kids (as well as adults) are welcome to wear costumes as each classroom distributes some goodies.

Book Fair
PaperPie Learning will be at St. Peter’s to host a book fair October 29-30 from 2:00-5:00pm. Come check out some books and if you are unable to join us, you shop our online store!

The Chosen Screening (Wednesday)
The Chosen is a Christian historical drama series. It is the first multi-season series about the life and ministry of Jesus and the different people who met and followed or interacted with Him. If you want to experience Jesus in a whole new personable way, you will want to watch! We will view 2 episodes each week (starting with Season 1) and will serve fresh popcorn and a light meal.

The Chosen Screening (Sunday)
The Chosen is a Christian historical drama series. It is the first multi-season series about the life and ministry of Jesus and the different people who met and followed or interacted with Him. If you want to experience Jesus in a whole new personable way, you will want to watch! We will view 2 episodes each week (starting with Season 1) and will serve fresh popcorn and a light meal.

Men's Bible Study
You are invited to join us Friday’s at 7:30am for our Men’s Bible Study. Our current series will be “Tactics” by Gregory Koukl.

School Supply Drive
Thousands of students in the Bloomington, Richfield, and Edina school districts need help filling their backpacks this fall. Join us in supporting their academic success by making sure they have all the supplies they need for the year! We will be collecting donations for traditional school supplies like spiral notebooks, crayons, and washable markers as well as larger items like backpacks or wireless headphones/earbuds. Please consider bringing items or a financial donation to support our back to school sharing!

St. Peter's will be partnering with Kidokinetics this summer! This is an optional multiple sport based program for our students that are ages one and up. It will happen on Tuesday mornings during the school day from June 18th-August 20th.

ECEC Graduation
It is time to come and celebrate our future Kindergartens at their Early Childhood Education Graduation! The ceremony will start at 4:15pm on Wednesday, June 12 in our sanctuary. This will be a ceremony to celebrate their achievements, as well as send them off to their next school with a blessing (and a cookie)! All family and friends who want to help celebrate their graduate are invited to this exciting time.

May Voters’ Assembly
Learn about the 2024-2025 Annual Ministry Plan and help allocate some funds for mission outreach and new pastors.

Unlabeled Theatre Company Auditions
Unlabeled Theatre Company announces auditions for the July performance of Rock of Ages

Church Focus Group
Your voice and observations are needed in a focus group Sunday April 21, 10:45am. In 2022 St. Peter’s took part in an extensive “Exploring the Pandemic Impact on Congregations” project and received a national report. This is part 2 of the project. What do you feel has the ongoing impact of the pandemic on church life here at St. Peter’s? The focus group will take 1 hour and will again be facilitated by Laura Gilbertson from the University of Minnesota. It will be held in the Discipleship Room.

We invite you to join us Sunday morning at 9:30am. When we hear the Red Letters spoken from the empty tomb everything is now changed! After our 40 Day Red Letter Challenge these words will hold new meaning and significance for all who gather. They are words of life; of hope; of peace; of a future for you and me.

Good Friday
In the midst of His suffering, Christ didn’t say much. But each of His statements, as he hung there on the cross, were powerful. Through the years we have cherished and recalled these statements that have to do with our salvation. We will sit around the cross together as we remember those words recorded in red in the Bible from the cross.

Good Friday Closure
The Church Office & Early Childhood Center will be closed Friday March 29th to observe Good Friday.

Good Friday (NOON)
In the midst of His suffering, Christ didn’t say much. But each of His statements, as he hung there on the cross, were powerful. Through the years we have cherished and recalled these statements that have to do with our salvation. We will sit around the cross together as we remember those words recorded in red in the Bible from the cross.

Maundy Thursday
Join Jesus and the disciples in the garden following the Lord Supper where he prays. Do you remember what He said to them?

Youth Impact Racing
Join us in the Gym on Tuesday evenings for our Fall Points Racing Season launching October 10. We race 10:1 scale remote control lipo battery cars. The community is welcome - bring friends! 6yrs to 16yrs. We start with a brief theme for the night then rotate in groups for racing, corner marshaling, auto theory, and pit stops. Bring your own car or race ours. There is no charge to participate.

Ash Wednesday
Join us on Ash Wednesday as we hear our Lord invite us to enter into a restored relationship through confessing our sins. Join us for Lenten Hymns, confession before God, the imposition of ashes, and the assurance of forgiveness through Christ. Service will be held in the sanctuary at 6:30pm, Wednesday, February 14.

Voters' Assembly
How are we doing on our 7-year Strategic Plan? Monitor progress on our Annual Ministry Plan! Learn about new ways to volunteer. Hear some ministry stats… Come learn about St. Peter’s with some updates in finances, ministry areas, and our vision for the future. It is a Church update about you! Sunday, February 11 at 10:45am in the sanctuary. All are welcome to attend.