What We Believe
About God
There is only one true God — the Triune God — who exists in three separate but equal persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. God the Father is our maker and the creator of all things. By the Father’s word, all things were made, and we are His most beloved creation; we are closest to His heart. The Son is Jesus Christ, who came to earth as the perfect “go-between” between God and the people who had turned against the Father. He has redeemed us and is the voice to the Father on our behalf. The Holy Spirit calls us to believe in Jesus Christ as our Savior, keeps us in the one true faith, and equips us for living out our faith. He is the whisper in our heart’s ear.
About You
There is absolutely nothing we can do to “be saved” — Jesus Christ has already done everything necessary. In His death and resurrection, everyone who believes in Jesus as Savior has been brought back into a right relationship with God. That means that, on account of Jesus, everyone who believes is declared innocent by God. God has taken on Himself all the world’s sins and paid the penalty on the cross; because of Jesus, all who believe are forgiven and will live eternally. We do not cooperate in our salvation and there is nothing we could ever present to God to make our way into eternal life with Him — not money or even good works. Neither can we really feel it or prove it. We cannot reason our way to salvation, nor can we earn it. All we can do is to believe in Him, trusting that all that is necessary has been done for us through Jesus.
About Faith
It is through faith in Jesus that we receive the forgiveness of sins and eternal life — by believing that He has freed us from the guilt, punishment, and power of sin. Faith is a gift worked in us by the power of the Holy Spirit; it doesn’t come to us through anything we are capable of, but through what God does for us. We simply receive what is already being offered out of God’s great love.
About The Bible
Everything we believe comes from the Bible, God's message of love and hope for all people. The Bible is the written Word of God, handed down to us in order to point us to the truth that we are saved from our sin and eternal death by the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. We believe that the Bible is completely reliable and without error. In it we learn everything we need to know about God's love and His gifts to us.
About Other Issues
Our church body, The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod, features information on Lutheran Belief & Practice online at lcms.org. This site also includes FAQs on the differences between religion, the Bible, moral and ethical issues you may be facing, faith tools, and worship/congregational life. St. Peter’s leadership has added specific Statements of Belief to bring clarity on ageless Biblical teachings in a time of rapid cultural change. These have been combined for easy access, but none of these Biblical teachings are new. Simply stated, we teach about the Bible, faith, and salvation through Jesus. We want to be clear that every person must be treated with compassion, love, kindness, respect, and dignity. This has been our history since 1929. View our Statement of Belief which includes clarity on Biblical Teaching; Marriage; Sanctity of Human Life.