The Chosen is a Christian historical drama television series. It is the first multi-season series about the life and ministry of Jesus and the different people who met and followed or otherwise interacted with Him. If you want to experience Jesus in a whole new personable way, you will want to watch!
Even though season 4 has not been released to the public, churches have an opportunity to show it to our community. But we also think you might enjoy starting at the beginning. St. Peter’s is going to present season 1 on the big screen in our theater downstairs. We will view 2 episodes each week and will serve fresh popcorn and a light meal. The votes were overwhelmingly desiring to experience it together beginning with season 1. (But we will let everyone know when we will launch season 4). There will be no charge to watch but will ask that you share some food / drinks.
The times have been set! Many participated in the survey. Drum roll: The viewing times will be as follows:
Sunday Mornings at 11:00am (begins April 28)
Wednesday Evenings at 6:00pm (begins May 1)
Please let us know if you plan to attend: