Announcements (5-26-24)


What an interesting phrase: “come well” - you can feel comfortable here - we might also say: “leave well” - after you have spent some time with us, we want you to leave energized and refreshed and ready for the days ahead. So welcome!

If you are on campus, stop at the welcome center for a “Welcome Home” book with more details about St. Peter’s. We’d welcome you to call us your church home.

If we can serve you in some way or you’d like to receive a weekly email link to vew the message, complete the Digital Connect Card.

Don’t Waste Your Summer

This series of messages encourages us to take advantage of the summer weeks by intentionally using the downtime for spiritual growth. We will learn about spiritual disciplines and not let the summer pass without practicing a few of them.

The Chosen

The Chosen is a Christian historical drama series. It is the first multi-season series about the life and ministry of Jesus and the different people who met and followed or interacted with Him. If you want to experience Jesus in a whole new personable way, you will want to watch! Watch preview.

Choose between two identical showings with an intermission for a light meal:

Sunday Mornings at 11:00am
Wednesday Evenings at 6:00pm (note: no showing Wednesday 5/29)


See what God will do in your life as you share with others. Invest in our community and our ministries that serve beyond our walls. Together we meet families at the intersection of faith and real life.

St. Peter’s Facility Fund

A Facility Fund was started to cover the cost of special projects around the building without straining the ministry budget. The types of projects are ongoing. The first projects were urgent/emergency needed work that the Board authorized utilizing cash reserves since the work needed to be done. There are more projects that will be tackled as funds enable us to do so.

Donations to the Facility Fund through the 2023-2024 ministry year: $16,435

Spent in 2024 on projects: $73,200
HVAC Controls: $61,600 (completed)
Building Electric Supply from the power pole: $11,600 (completed)

Upcoming Member Birthdays

5/26 - Ruth Spinner

5/27 - Tim Gaudineer

5/28 - Derek Arens

5/31 - Max Pitkanen

Unlabeled Theatre Company

You may have met Chris, Kristin, Rachel & Ailee Moquist in worship. Want to know more about this awesome family?

They are all very active in Unlabeled Theatre Company - a nonprofit dedicated to increasing opportunities and outcomes for adults with disabilities and/or who are neurodivergent through the arts.

St. Peter's has partnered with UTC in an effort to reach young adults in the community in our continuing effort to meet an identified community need of serving families with intellectual and developmental disabilities.  UTC desires that adults are provided with what they need in order to be as safe, fulfilled, and independent as possible.  They use the arts to teach life skills, vocational classes, and health/wellness activities – because the arts not only foster creativity, but also create opportunities for artists of all abilities to participate and build independence. All classes and rehearsals take place at St. Peter's.  Theatre performances will take place at Park Square Theatre in Downtown St. Paul.

It is an exciting part of the unfolding of home discipleship at St. Peter’s as we serve community families as the hands and feet of Jesus. Visit the new page on our website to learn more:

Prayer Requests


Announcements (6-2-24)


Announcements (5-19-24)