We have more STP kids participating. It is time to re-introduce Kids Kare & Kids Kount!!! For the last couple of years, our older elementary kids have been helping the little STP KIDS with activities. It is great to watch. However, with a growing number of elementary aged students, it is time to engage them with their peers. And we are going to need a new crew of volunteers.
Here is the great part: each week’s lesson is prepared for you. The theme, the Bible Story, the craft, the activities. We just need your help to engage our youngest disciples. We will be scheduling leaders once a month to lead the learning. There is nothing like being an adult for young people to talk about life and faith with at this age. If you are a little people person, this is a great spot for you. In fact, it won’t happen without you. We will be “graduating” some of our leaders to the elementary aged program so we will also need a couple more for the little, littles!
If you would like to find out more about helping and being a team member, please let us know. Talk to Jenna Pitkanen 952-607-8686. with any questions.