Announcements (9-29-24)


We are expecting God to do great things today! Thanks for connecting with us. If you are on campus, stop at the welcome center for a “Welcome Home” book with more details about St. Peter’s. We’d welcome you to call us your church home.

If you are online or if we can serve you in some way or you’d like to receive a weekly email link to view the message, complete the Digital Connect Card.

Sit back, listen, participate, and enjoy yourself as the love story of Jesus covers over you with peace as only He can bring.

He Gets Us.

Maybe you are concerned that if others knew you and your story and your history, they would push back. And maybe you feel that is how God feels about you too.

Pastor Mark wants us to look at Jesus in a way that we notice the way He approached those He encountered when He lived in our world. The truth is… He gets us. He really does. And He is in love with you.

Maybe you saw these words in an interesting footwashing ad during the Olympics. You are invited to explore the story of Jesus and consider His way of unconditional love, grace, and forgiveness of others. This is the last day of this series. Our pastor led Sunday morning Bible Class will meet today at 10:45 - 11:30am. You are invited to participate in the Discipleship Room after the coffee time. We supply the Bibles and the application. Join us for a deeper Bible study of the day’s theme.

Calling Little Person People!

We have more STP kids participating. It is time to re-introduce Kids Kare & Kids Kount!!! For the last couple of years, our older elementary kids have been helping the little STP KIDS with activities. It is great to watch. However, with a growing number of elementary aged students, it is time to engage them with their peers. And we are going to need a new crew of volunteers.

Here is the great part: each week’s lesson is prepared for you. The theme, the Bible Story, the craft, the activities. We just need your help to engage our youngest disciples. We will be scheduling leaders once a month to lead the learning. There is nothing like being an adult for young people to talk about life and faith with at this age. If you are a little people person, this is a great spot for you. In fact, it won’t happen without you. We will be “graduating” some of our leaders to the elementary aged program so we will also need a couple more for the little, littles!

If you would like to find out more about helping and being a team member, please let us know. Talk to Jenna Pitkanen 952-607-8686. with any questions.

Your Generosity Matters

Every wonder what happens after you place an envelope in the basket or push send on electronic giving? Great things! Every gift is important. Your generosity matters. Yes, your gift helps pay the electric bill and purchases coffee for Sunday mornings, but you also provide Bibles for those who are just learning about Jesus, and water for baptism, and salaries for those who lead worship each week. You enable us to reach those in our community, you provide carpet squares for the hallway, you support the sharing of the Gospel through the church around the world! And that is just the beginning…

There are many ways to give financially. We call it an offering because we are offering ourselves for God’s bigger purposes. What an adventure. We’d like to help you along the way. Check out the options on the website by clicking the button below. And if we can provide assistance or answer questions, but sure to let us know at

Together we meet families at the intersection of faith and real life.

Extra Bible to Share?

For 63 years, Gospel materials have been gathered locally for churches around the world through ICLD (International Christian Literature Distibutors). We have a wooden box under the coat rack near the Welcome Center in the Commons. They now have a new name: Global Gospel Books. Same mission, same effort. Just an effort to reach new people to share.

Bibles are needed - please glean your shelves, look in thrift stores for Bibles -ask around. Any version or condition. The requests are higher than the supply. Beyond Bibles and New Testaments, the most popular items are Bible dictionaries, handbooks, commentary books, concordances, prayer, theology, children’s materials and anything about Jesus! When you walk past your bookshelf at home, stand a few minutes looking at what you might share. Bring them to the box. We will get them to the shipping location. Thanks for sharing.

The Lutheran Hour: a National Broadcast with a Local Impact

The Lutheran Hour airs in the Minneapolis area on WCCO 830 AM every Sunday morning at 6:05 a.m. The Lutheran Hour serves on your behalf, working in conjunction with local churches to proclaim the Gospel in its purity. You can also listen to the broadcast at On the website you will find numerous tools to grow in your faith. Bible studies, videos, witnessing helps, and other resources for you.

St. Peter’s has been invited to sponsor a week of the Lutheran Hour. It costs $1785 to sponsor a week. Every gift helps. And yes, there are so many people around the country - and around the globe - who “stumble” across the broadcast every week. That is why Dr. Michael Zeigler, speaker of the Lutheran Hour, continues to produce fresh and relevant content in 2024. Here are a few stories: Chuck listened in bed on his radio and came back to church after 35 years. Renee heard the Lutheran Hour when she was a child and her mother was suffering from postpartum depression. Her father found a local Lutheran congregation for his family. James works on T38 jets and listens in his earbuds, remembering that he listed to the broadcast when he would visit his grandparents. Cathy had car trouble and was forced to pull off the road. A young man named Brian stopped to help her but said he is not religious. Cathy mentioned that she listens to the Lutheran Hour every week. Weeks later, Brian reached out to Cathy - he had started listening and it had impacted his life. Make a gift to LHM online or mark your gift in the offering “Missions” and we will combine it with gifts of other worshipers.

Upcoming Member Birthdays

Oct 4 - Walt Strobel

Oct 7 - Jennifer Brackett

Oct 9 - Gabrielle Thalken

Oct 12 - Thomas Spinner

Prayer Requests


Announcements (9-22-24)