Announcements (12-1-24)


What an honor to have you here! We are entering one of the most memorable seasons of the year. The Advent season is about preparing for Christ to come again as He came that first Christmas long ago bringing hope, peace, joy, and love.

Be sure to pick up your copy of the book for your family this morning. There is a daily reading for each day from December 1 to December 25.

Please come again to worship with us soon. Our Christmas Eve Family Candlelight Service will be December 24 at 4:30pm.

Use the Connect Card in the seat back to let us know you were here or request additional information. If you are online or if we can serve you in any way complete the Digital Connect Card.

Red Letter Advent Challenge

Get ready for a powerful Advent journey unboxing the gifts Jesus wants you to both receive and give away: hope, peace, joy, and love.

Don’t just go through this Advent season and change nothing. Every day in the Advent book, there’s a challenge for you to complete. (Let us know if you need a copy of the Red Letter Advent Book: Many of these challenges are not new things but simply will help you focus on Jesus and bring Him into many of the traditions you are already doing. 

Together, the St. Peter’s family journeyed through the Red Letter Challenge last Lent looking at the words Jesus spoke that are often Red in our Bibles. This Advent, we entering into another life-changing Bible challenge complete with 25 daily readings; Sunday messages; Right Now Media videos; small group discussions; STP KIDS curriculum; family activities; and daily social media posts.

Advent Challenge Discussion Groups

Sundays 10:45am / Wednesdays 6:30pm

Our St. Peter’s small group discussion includes a series of videos that are designed to enhance your Advent season. Bring your Red Letter Advent Book with you to discover how others celebrate the Christmas season and challenge each other as we consider the gifts of hope, peace, joy, and love. Pastor Mark is thrilled to partner with you and hopes that you have the most Jesus-centered Advent season of your life!

Children’s Christmas Program

Attention parents! Please take a moment and complete the form below to provide information about STP KIDS participating in a Christmas Pageant this season. Let us know your availability for practices and the best day for your family to participate in the event. Our desire is that the next generation will discover hope & joy in Christ’s birth as Savior.

A Concordia St. Paul Christmas

You are invited to a worship celebration featuring the choral and instrumental ensembles of Concordia University, St. Paul (CSP) at 3:30 p.m. on Saturday, December 7, at St. Michael’s Lutheran Church in Bloomington. This festival service features a seamless presentation of songs and hymns featuring CSP's Choral and Instrumental ensembles, and scripture readings centered around the Advent and Christmas seasons. The event is FREE with pre-reserved tickets. Reserve your tickets today at the link below or 1-866-488-4849. A freewill offering will be taken to support CSP Music.

A Gift…

Christ brought Hope, Peace, Joy, and Love at Christmas. It is amazing to both receive them AND share them.

We encourage you to join us in the excitement of giving this Christmas season. Check out the giving option on the website by clicking the button below. If we can provide assistance or answer questions, be sure to let us know at

Together we meet families at the intersection of faith and real life.

Upcoming Member Birthdays

Dec 8 - Grace DuBe’

Dec 10 - Matt Yeager

Dec 10 - Scarlett Klevay

Dec 12 - Steven Gutierrez

Dec 14 - Harland Kuhlman

Dec 15 - Violet Matavovski

Prayer Requests


Announcements (12-8-24)


Announcements (11-24-24)