Announcements (12-24-23)

Prayer Requests

Christmas Eve Family Candlelight Service

This Christmas evening we will travel with Mary and Joseph to Bethlehem to the place where the imminence of God’s presence, the hopefulness of God’s coming, and the faithfulness of God’s promises are so wonderfully clear. Our time in this place reminds us that Jesus is the fulfillment of our faith and the beginning of new life for us. We have Christmas cards available to invite others on the Event display in the Commons.

We will gather on December 24 at 4:30 pm with candles in hand.

Note there will not be a Christmas Day service on the 25th.

Into our World

During Advent, we visited some of the neighborhoods where Jesus spent time. Each is important to the Biblical story:

  • Jerusalem - Site of sacrifice and forgiveness, where an aged priest entering the temple was confronted by the angel Gabriel.

  • Judea - Here we find repentance and life-change, preparing the way for the Lord's coming.

  • Nazareth - Where a humble girl was told her part in the family of God, a family of which we all are a part.

This evening, we will journey to our final destination:

  • Bethlehem - Where a young couple are just now being directed to a nearby stable, even as we prepare to worship and rejoice.

In each neighborhood, we discovered objects, conversations, events highlighting their importance in terms of the coming of the Lord.

If you missed any of the locations, watch online anytime:

We are Thrilled You are Here!

If you are looking to grow in your faith, we are glad to welcome you! Stop at the welcome center for a “Welcome Home” book with more details about St. Peter’s. We’d love for you to call us your church home. If we can serve you in some way or you’d like to receive a weekly email complete the Digital Connect Card.

The Christmas Experience

On the Wednesdays in Advent, we watched The Christmas Experience - a series of videos that examines the Christmas story in detail. Each episode focused on how God chose each individual in the Christmas story for a specific purpose. The Christmas Experience helps us find ourselves in the Christmas story, as we learn that what happened then changes everything now.

We still have two remaining segments: Immanuel & Gold Frankincense, and Myrrh. Join us Wednesday, December 27th at noon downstairs at St. Peter’s in the Underground Room. We will finish both, so we will eat as we watch to fit everything into the lunch hour.

Can’t make it with the group? Watch the series anywhere on Right Now Media. Click the blue button below. Get Right Now Media Access here.

Bring Christmas Cookies!

It is that festive time of year. Share your traditions with others! The next two Sundays, December 24 & 31, our after party refreshments will be YOUR cookies and holiday treats. Whatever you enjoy, bring a plate to share. Doesn’t have to be cookies. Any family special treats will do. And be sure to stay an enjoy the variety.

We will have fresh Caribou Reindeer Blend and a variety of Christmas flavored creamers along with some punch.

Thanks for sharing some holiday cheer!

Upcoming Member Birthdays

12/27 - Lana Anderson

12/28 - Sandra Weaver

12/29 - Gail Goembel

12/29 - Laurie Swansen

12/31 - Doug Taplin

12/31 - Emma Wheeler

Facility Fund

This year, when our ministry plan was passed by the congregation, we decided that we would cover operational expenses and normal maintenance through our offerings, but we would come back with some specific projects as the need arose. We have a few projects that would be great destinations for special year end giving.

Thank you for your gifts!

Part of worship through the generations - all the way back to Biblical times - has been bring an offering for the ongoing work of Kingdom. That continues today! Would you consider extending our reach as we serve others and bring the life-changing message of God’s love through Jesus Christ.

There are several different ways to worship through your offering. also includes options and ideas for special year end giving.

To God be the glory!

In Our Hands

The Battle for Jerusalem.

We will watch a second video series on the history of the land from CBN News that will help you understand the conflict we are facing and the confusion even in our country about the war. The reality is, history is just repeating itself - or the conflict has never been resolved. In May of 1967, Arab nations joined together with a stated goal to wipe Israel off the map. Less than 20 years after reforming as a nation, Israel was on the verge of extinction. Yet, six days in early June 1967 changed history forever. In Our Hands tells the story of Israel’s 55th Paratrooper Brigade and how Israel Defense Forces risked everything for the sake of their homeland. With firsthand interviews and historical reenactments, this powerful docudrama focuses on the commitment and sacrifice of the soldiers who reunited Jerusalem.

We will take the holidays off, then return again on January 7 for this series. Sunday mornings from 10:40am - 11:30am.


Announcements (12-31-23)


Announcements (12-17-23)