Announcements (1-1-23)

Prayer Requests

Support for Mongolia

Next week, January 8, Pastor Mark Moss will be a guest preacher from Lutheran Heritage Foundation. In the past years, LHF has been part of translating a children’s Bible storybook and the Small Catechism into Mongolian. Pastor’s Shockey’s parents were among the first missionaries in this country. Now, with our support, a small booklet, “Jesus Never Fails”, just translated, will be distributed to individuals needing to hear the Good News of Jesus Christ. Our St. Peter’s family be given a mission support opportunity. Pastor Moss will also lead the Bible Study to share more about translation.

Last Chance for Christmas Cookies

Join us for a cup of coffee or hot chocolate this morning along with some delicious sampling of cookies. We be serving up Caribou coffee and of course, a frosty glass of milk to go with those sweets!

Daily Time With God in 2023

As we begin a New Year, be sure to include time every day in God’s Word. Use your favorite Bible, a Bible app, or tool like a devotion. Portals of Prayer has provided Scripture, a brief devotion, and a prayer that many have used daily for years and years. Pick up a complimentary copy at the Welcome Center this norming and start out the year with Shalom! On January 15, Pastor Dave Garwick will be sharing message about wellness with God - disciplines of Scripture reading, prayer, and worship.

Early Childhood Children’s Gifts

During chapel, the boys and girls became Magi and brought gifts of diapers and blankets for the Christ Child. These gifts will be shared with the New Life Family Services in Richfield for babies. It was a precious moment to watch our little friends visit the stable with their gifts for the baby king! Thanks for the handmade blankets that are so soft and colorful. What a joy to teach children to worship at Christmas.

Recorded Messages

The message from our services is posted on our website each week. These are professionally produced videos that include a song from our praise team. They are perfect for watching when you can’t be present, or listen to the messages when driving or exercising. Visit the StPetersEdina YouTube channel to see a collection of 100’s of messages, kids’ videos, and St. Peter’s music.

Welcome to St. Peter’s!

Today we extend a special welcome to family members visiting for the Holidays. You are part of the family when you are here!

If you are looking to grow in your faith in the New Year and have joined us on your own, we are thrilled to welcome you! Stop at the welcome center for a “Welcome Home” book with more details about St. Peter’s. We’d love for you to call us your church home.

New Year’s Birthdays

1/2 - Nancy Eggers

1/4 - Jill Yeager

1/5 - Thomas Spinner

1/7 - Liisa Soulak

1/13 - Eliana Anderson

1/13 - Calvin Lere


St. Peter’s Survey Opportunity

St. Peter's is participating in a national study “Exploring the Pandemic Impact on Congregations” with the University of Minnesota and the Hartford Institute for Religion Research. This study explores the effects of the Covid-19 pandemic on hundreds of Christian churches in the United States. It includes in-depth studies of how churches have engaged the challenges and opportunities presented by the Covid-19 pandemic and how churches continue to adapt and change. As part of this research, you are invited to take this survey. It should take about 12-15 minutes to complete. Your responses are anonymous and confidential. This is a valuable opportunity for St. Peter's attenders to share experiences and thoughts that will contribute to a better understanding of congregational life and the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic. Paper copies are available at the Welcome Center.


Announcements (1-8-23)


Announcements (12-25-22)