Announcements (1-14-24)

Prayer Requests

See the Blessings

What if we see God’s blessings for the New Year?

  • See that God has been faithful in the past.

  • See that God never gives up on you.

  • See that God's love for you never changes and is based in His goodness, not your performance.

  • See that God has already blessed you today for new days tomorrow.

On the title art, look through the window of the New Year. Our desire at St. Peter's is to help you see 2024 clearly.  Not to see the year ahead as a dried up, hopeless desert.  Rather, to look through the window and see the life and blessings that the Lord provides for your future days ahead.  Welcome to the blessings of 2014!

Sunday messages are available on demand:

We are Thrilled You are Here!

If you are looking to grow in your faith, we are glad to welcome you! Stop at the welcome center for a “Welcome Home” book with more details about St. Peter’s. We’d love for you to call us your church home in 2024. If we can serve you in some way or you’d like to receive a weekly email complete the Digital Connect Card.


New Years bring about resolutions for the future and changed living. We challenge you to consider your gifts in worship! See what God will do through the blessings you have already received. Invest in our community and our ministries that serve beyond our walls. Together we meet families at the intersection of faith and real life.

The Hope

The Hope: The Rebirth of Israel takes viewers on a journey through the 50 years that preceded the founding of the modern State of Israel. To understand the current struggles, a grasp of history is important. See history unfold through the eyes of some of Israel’s visionaries and founders.

Bring some treats into the Discipleship Room just to the right outside the sanctuary. We will start at 10:40am and wrap up about 11:30am.

A Trip to Israel Now?

It may seem like poor timing to schedule a trip to the Holy Land as a war rages. Commercial airline flights into Tel Aviv were restored this week! Our 2024 Trip was postponed (we would have been there right now) but we are making plans for 2025. It will be important to show our support for the Israeli's in the months ahead. Families depend on tourism so many are struggling. We did not have plans to visit any of the areas affected by the conflict. There has been ongoing clashes and war in the land for 100 years. We would cancel if there is any danger.

The gospels give us the narrative of Jesus and His disciples. We will begin the journey at Galilee where Jesus called the disciples to follow. Visit locations where Jesus worked signs and wonders among the people. Then visit Jerusalem where Jesus would offer Himself as the full sacrifice for our sin.

Rotary Veteran’s Blood Drive

In partnership with the Rotary Club of Minnesota Veterans, St. Peter’s is honored to host another quarterly blood drive. Would you consider a donation of whole blood or double red? It takes place right here in our sanctuary. Sign up for an appointment right away. They fill up fast.

In addition to a blood drive, we also collect items for veterans:

  1. Electronics Recyling - bring old cell phones, laptops, tablets electronics, game counsels, etc.

  2. Apartment Furnishings - provide cleaning and pantry supplies (food) to stock new apartments to relocate Vets in their time of need. (Items must be new).

  3. Clothing - assist Vets and their families by providing gently used clothing.  

Upcoming Member Birthdays

1/20 - Jayden Barber

1/22 - Holden Thompson

1/24 - Alex Wheeler

1/24 - Mabel McManus

1/27 - Lori McGowen


Announcements (1-21-24)


Announcements (1-7-24)