Announcements (2-11-24)

Prayer Requests

Red Letter Challenge

Do you have what it takes to follow Jesus? Red Letter Challenge is a 40-day discipleship challenge where you will be introduced, through the words of Jesus, to the five main principles of being a disciple. If you know that you were made for something more and if you want to make a greater difference in this world, Red Letter Challenge is for you! Be sure to pick up a book at the Welcome Area at St. Peter’s. You will need it for the daily challenge. All the messages will be posted online.

This Lent, we will be reading the red letters in the Bible (the words spoken by Jesus) together & on our own. This 40-day challenge examine His words, His habits, and His life, and presents them in a simple-to understand, but challenging way that will produce results in your life. The best way to follow Jesus is simply to follow Jesus!!! There is even a book specifically for families with children. And we hope you will take part in a small group either in person or on Zoom.

We look forward to practically, and daily, living out our faith. Readings begin this Tuesday!

We are Thrilled You are Here!

If you are looking to grow in your faith, we are glad to welcome you! Stop at the welcome center for a “Welcome Home” book with more details about St. Peter’s. We’d love for you to call us your church home. If we can serve you in some way or you’d like to receive a weekly email complete the Digital Connect Card.

Coming February 21!

Gather with others to be encouraged in the FIVE PRINCIPLES of Jesus' red letters: BEING, FORGIVING, SERVING, GIVING, GOING.  Discuss what you are discovering in Jesus' words with others.  Maybe you will be hearing some of Jesus' words for the first time - or you have read them over and over.  We need you both!  There will be in person gatherings and a zoom gathering.  Please take the challenge with us.

Voters’ Assembly

Each February, we give an update on our progress together toward our annual ministry plan. Come find out what we are doing together in the Kingdom of God! Sunday, February 11 following worship.

Ash Wednesday - Feb 14, 6:30pm

Join us on Ash Wednesday as we hear our Lord invite us to enter into a restored relationship through confessing our sins. Join us for Lenten Hymns, confession before God, the imposition of ashes, and the assurance of forgiveness through Christ. In the sanctuary at 6:30pm, Wednesday, February 14.

Emergency Contact Info

St. Peter's Family,

It is important that the church has contact information so that we would be able to contact a loved one should we not be able to reach you directly. Thank you for providing this information to enable us to serve your Spiritual needs.

Pastor Mark

The Hope

The Hope: The Rebirth of Israel takes viewers on a journey through the 50 years that preceded the founding of the modern State of Israel. To understand the current struggles, a grasp of history is important. See history unfold through the eyes of some of Israel’s visionaries and founders.

Bring some treats into the Discipleship Room just to the right outside the sanctuary. We will start at 10:40am and wrap up about 11:30am. Please attend the Voter’s Assembly this week - we will resume our class on 2/18.

Short Term Mission Trip

Golden Valley Lutheran is inviting high school, college students, adults and families to join our youth on a Mexico Mission Trip, August 8-16 in Ensenada Mexico. The mission partners with churches to build suitable small homes for immigrant field workers and families. Information meeting Tuesday, Feb 13 at 6pm at Golden Valley Lutheran. Together we can help those in need.

Upcoming Member Birthdays

2/11 - Amanda McManus

2/12 - Greg Thalken

2/12 - Jen Wheeler

2/15 - Amanda Arens

2/16 - Wilder Anderson

2/16 - Helen Schultz

2/17 - Stephanie Klasi

2/20 - Natice Schwab Huth

2/21 - Berniece Ruthenbeck

2/22 - Tessa Yeager


See what God will do through the blessings you have already received. Invest in our community and our ministries that serve beyond our walls. Together we meet families at the intersection of faith and real life. It is a DOUBLE BLESSING!


Announcements (2-18-24)


Announcements (2-4-24)