Announcements (3-26-23)
Prayer Requests
Welcome to St. Peter’s!
Today we extend a special welcome to all who are visiting this Sunday! If you are looking to grow in your faith in the New Year and have joined us on your own, we are thrilled to welcome you! Stop at the welcome center for a “Welcome Home” book with more details about St. Peter’s. We’d love for you to call us your church home.
Lent Midweek Worship
Lent began on a snowy Ash Wednesday this past week with a weather cancelled service. You are invited to a 30-minute devotional time of worship and reflection at 6:30pm on Wednesdays through Lent. We will reflect on Scripture, be challenged to live for Jesus, sing a hymn, and go out with a blessing. The brief weekly video and a devotion from Pastor Mark will also be emailed each week.
Sunday Pastor’s Bible Class
Ready to go further in your Journey with our Savior? Join around the table this morning with fellow worshipers to study Jesus’ journeys with His disciples. See the big story of faith for your home and church. Be challenged to apply Biblical truth to your life. At 10:30am in the Discipleship Room to the right as you exit the sanctuary. Bring a cup of coffee and pick up a treat to enjoy on your way in. Life Application Bibles are provided for our study.
We have prepared a memory making morning for the young people in your life. Come enjoy a gym full of easter eggs as well as crafts and activities that will share the hope that we have in the resurrection of our Savior. Our Early Childhood families have been invited. If you are interested in helping make this a powerful day for our STP Kids, please sign up in person or contact Jenna Pitkanen below / call (952) 927-8400. We will need eggs if you care to donate earlier during Holy Week.
Financial Peace University
Interested in changing your future? St. Peter’s is offering a class just for you. Financial Peace University is a 9 week long class begining Wednesday, April 12 at 7pm. We have been thrilled to help dozens of members and community friends learn great skills regarding their finances.
Recorded Messages
The message from our service each week is posted on our website. These are professionally produced videos that include a song from our praise team. They are perfect for watching when you can’t be present, or listen to the messages when driving or exercising. Visit the StPetersEdina YouTube channel to see a collection of 100’s of messages, kids’ videos, and St. Peter’s music.
Sunday Fellowship
You are invited to join us for a cup of coffee and a treat following worship in the commons. It is a great time to meet others, get caught up, and try out your CURIOSITY skills! Would you like to supply treats for a Sunday? Sign up on the clipboard beside the coffee. St. Peter’s takes care of the Caribou, juice, water, and napkins. You simply bring treats to share. Be creative. Purchased or homemade - either is a blessing. If hospitality is not your gift, you can also make a donation with your offering for “Sunday treats”.
Upcoming Birthdays
3/26 - Ann Garwick
3/26 - William Gutierrez
3/28 - Greg Johnson
4/1 - Vonnie Nagel
4/5 - Vivian Abraham
4/5 - Stacy Barber
4/5 - Scott Hektner
4/6 - Chris Sorensen
4/8 - Matthew McManus