Announcements (4-23-23)
Prayer Requests
Farewell Marjorie
Marjorie will be moving back to Zambia. Join us as we say goodbye and enjoy a slice of cake after worship!
Welcome to St. Peter’s!
Today we extend a special welcome to all who are visiting this Sunday! If you are looking to grow in your faith in the New Year and have joined us on your own, we are thrilled to welcome you! Stop at the welcome center for a “Welcome Home” book with more details about St. Peter’s. We’d love for you to call us your church home.
Please join us for Coffee & Treats
You are invited to join us for some refreshments and treats in the commons right after the service. Get to know some fellow worshippers. We serve Caribou Coffee and offer water bottles and juice.
If you would like to serve others, you may do so by signing up to supply treats on a future Sunday morning. Homemade is great but store bought puts a smile on our faces as well. Be creative. People love cookies, fruit, cheese and crackers, donut holes, just about anything you put out there. The variety reminds us of God’s abundance! Look for the sign up sheet near the coffee.
The Church in 2023… God’s at Work
You are invited to spend an hour with us on Sunday mornings after worship paging through the Book of Acts. This is a Pastor led Bible Study that goes deeper into the Bible readings in our worship services and discovering the context of God’s action.
Pick up a treat and fill your cup and come on into the Discipleship Room outside the sanctuary to the right. We wrap up at 11:30am so you can still get to your favorite Sunday morning lunch location.
We have Life Application Bibles on the tables that we use and even provide page numbers for those who have a hard time finding things in the Bible. You are invited today!
Recorded Messages
The message from our service each week is posted on our website along with an inspirational song from our Praise Team. These are professionally produced videos. They are perfect for watching when you can’t be present, or listen to the messages when driving or exercising. Visit the StPetersEdina YouTube channel to see a collection of 100’s of messages, kids’ videos, and St. Peter’s music. More than 3 years of messages are available for your Spiritual growth. God’s not done yet… in your life!
Blood, Food, Clothing & Electronics Drive
In partnership with the Rotary Club of Minnesota Veterans, St. Peter’s will again be hosting a blood drive on Thursday, April 27. The American Red Cross sets up a donation center all afternoon in our sanctuary. Make a difference in the lives of young and old alike by donating. Many appointments are available, but they will fill up quickly. Appointments get priority over walk-ins — an sometimes there have been so many here from the community that we have had to turn blood donors away.
We simultaneously have a used electronics, clothing, and food drive. All donations support veteran causes - providing clothing for job interviews and family members, and food to set up apartments for veterans after being released from the VA. Spring cleaning anyone???
Financial Peace University
Interested in changing your future? St. Peter’s is offering a class just for you. Financial Peace University is a 9 week class that began last Wednesday. We have been thrilled to help dozens of members and community friends learn great skills regarding their finances. Pastor Mark & Joann facilitate the classes. We have some community friends signed up. Will you be part of our time together too?
Anxious For Nothing
Over the past few decades, studies have shown that Americans are the most anxious people in the world. We take the most medication for it, see doctors to treat it, and spend fortunes trying to relieve it. How have we let our fears get the better of us? In Anxious for Nothing, Max Lucado leads readers to reflect on the promises of Philippians 4:4-8. This passage from Paul's epistle contains an antidote to anxiety that will help you develop a mindset of resilience. Join Tim & Elizabeth Gaudineer who will serve as hosts in the Discipleship Room every Wednesday from 10:00-11:30am.
Upcoming Birthdays
4/16 - Jenna Lere
4/17 - Evelyn Incitti
4/21 - Art Lienhard
4/30 - Sharon Gutierrez