Announcements (5-14-23)
Prayer Requests
Welcome to St. Peter’s!
If you are looking to grow in your faith, we are thrilled to welcome you! Stop at the welcome center for a “Welcome Home” book with more details about St. Peter’s. We’d love for you to call us your church home.
Please join us for Coffee & Treats… Say thanks to a mom!
You are invited to join us for some refreshments and treats in the commons right after the service. Get to know some fellow worshippers. We serve Caribou Coffee and offer water bottles and juice.
If you would like to serve others, you may do so by signing up to supply treats on a future Sunday morning. Homemade is great but store bought puts a smile on our faces as well. Be creative. People love cookies, fruit, cheese and crackers, donut holes, just about anything you put out there. The variety reminds us of God’s abundance! Look for the sign up sheet near the coffee.
The Church in 2023… Are You Connected?
You are invited to spend an hour with us on Sunday mornings after worship paging through the Book of Acts. This is a Pastor led Bible Study that goes deeper into the Bible readings in our worship services and discovering the context of God’s action.
Pick up a treat and fill your cup and come on into the Discipleship Room outside the sanctuary to the right. We wrap up at 11:30am so you can still get to your favorite Sunday morning lunch location.
We have Life Application Bibles on the tables that we use and even provide page numbers for those who have a hard time finding things in the Bible. You are invited today!
Join Pastor Mark & Joann in Israel
The Disciples had a front row seat to the ministry of Jesus. He taught them. He prepared them. He changed their lives. Is it time to deepen your Biblical faith? On this 10 day tour, we will begin with the calling of the disciples at the Sea of Galilee. We will observe locations where Jesus worked signs and wonders among the people. Then we will visit Jerusalem where Jesus would offer Himself as the full sacrifice for our sin. We will visit the garden where we are reminded of the empty tomb, then looking to the hillside, recall Jesus Ascension where He would commission His disciples. You are invited to join us with your Bible in hand.
View more details about the trip below. You may also pick up a printed copy at the Welcome Center.
Gideons Places Bibles
A couple weeks ago, we had the opportunity to learn about the ongoing work of Gideons International in sharing the Word of God in a physical way. Our gifts that day were $781 and more contributed using the envelope directly (P.O. Box 16714, Minneapolis, 55416). For an investment of $1.20 you can provide for the purchase and placement of a Scripture. This is a reminder if you had wanted to contribute you may use this link:
Men’s Bible Discussion Group - The Book of Job
The world teaches us to revolve our actions, thoughts, and beliefs around ourselves. “It’s all about you!” we are encouraged to think. In the world’s philosophy, we become the author and hero of our story. But the Bible teaches a different view, one where another hero—the actual Author of life—takes center stage. In the book of Job, God reminds us that we exist not for ourselves but to glorify the God who deserves all worship and praise.
This group is designed for men of all ages to strengthen their faith in God and friendships with each other through learning about the Bible.
Bring a Bible. We use a combination of open verse by verse reading and video message to challenge us as we live out our lives and seek to be Godly men. Fridays at 7:30am in the Discipleship Room at St. Peter’s.
Recorded Messages
The message from our service each week is posted on our website along with an inspirational song from our Praise Team. These are professionally produced videos. They are perfect for watching when you can’t be present, or listen to the messages when driving or exercising. Visit the StPetersEdina YouTube channel to see a collection of 100’s of messages, kids’ videos, and St. Peter’s music. More than 3 years of messages are available for your Spiritual growth. God’s not done yet… in your life!
LCMS National Offering July 2023
Ever since the days of Genesis 11, the idea of “all people” has included different languages and dialects. Because the Scriptures were written in Greek and Hebrew, most of us have heard the Word thanks to the diligent work of translators and interpreters.
God has blessed us with His Word in our native language. It’s easy to forget that God did not reveal Himself in English. Even Luther did not speak English. Yet our lives are thus enriched by all of the English materials and resources that we read each day, especially those that bring to us God’s Word.
As the church exists throughout the world, so the Gospel goes forth to all people in all languages. The purpose and goal of the 2023–2026 LCMS National Offering is to produce meaningful Lutheran resources in other languages so that all may read, hear and speak the Good News of Christ crucified.
Prayerfully consider a gift, to be gathered at St. Peter’s in July, leading up to the 2023 LCMS convention in Milwaukee. All are invited and encouraged to participate, as the Lord allows. Mark your gift LCMS Offering.
Upcoming Birthdays
5/ 19 - Carolyn Johnson
5/19 - Krystal Julius
5/20 - Ryker Bordthauser
5/21 - Avery Wheeler
5/23 - Todd Crouch
5/23 - Stefan Mochovciak
5/24 - Karen Anderson