Announcements (6-25-23)
Prayer Requests
Welcome to St. Peter’s!
If you are looking to grow in your faith, we are thrilled to welcome you! Stop at the welcome center for a “Welcome Home” book with more details about St. Peter’s. We’d love for you to call us your church home.
Please join us for Coffee & Treats
You are invited to join us for some refreshments and treats in the commons right after the service. Get to know some fellow worshippers. We serve Caribou Coffee and offer water bottles and juice. Thanks to Dawn & Herm Schaekel for supplying the treats today. Interested in taking a week? Signup on the clipboard next to the coffee.
Join Pastor Mark in Bible Study Today for a D
eeper Look
What is the first step to a life of simplicity? Join fellow worshippers to go a little deeper into additional Scripture verses that talk about margin, and the way to unclutter your soul.
It begins after worship in the Discipleship Room to the right as you leave the sanctuary. Pick up some refreshments on your way in. We have Life Application Bibles at each table.
Church Work Day
We’ve got projects galore! In search of willing hands and minimal energy. We will have tools and supplies on hands to tackle projects from washing exterior windows to patching bird and squirrel holes in the pillars and everything in between. We will have coffee brewed, a donut for energy, and a list of projects waiting for your participation. Come when your schedule allows between 8 & Noon on Saturday, June 24. Ask Mark Wheeler for details.
Spanish Hymnals
10 years ago, St. Peter’s began a partnership with an LCMS Congregation in Chula Vista, CA. They provided guidance as we launched our FamJam Sunday family service. Through the years, we have supported each other as sister congregations. We have been challenged to walk with them as they seek to provide Spanish Hymnals for a mission church in Tiajuana, Mexico.
Concordia Publishing House is offering the new Spanish hymnal (Himnario Luterano) for $10 for mission churches (That is $20 off!) Each church / or individual member may purchase up to a case (24) at this price. If you would like to participate, there are two options:
1) Put a $10 gift in the offering (for each hymnal you want to purchase) designated “Spanish Hymnal”
2) Use the form on the button below to purchase hymnals directly from CPH. If you use this option, please have them shipped to the church: Concordia Lutheran, 1695 Discovery Falls Dr., Chula Vista, CA, 91915 (Let Pastor Mark know if you use this option so that we can track our St. Peter’s mission efforts.)
Men’s Bible Discussion Group
A mosaic is many little pieces that come together to form a beautiful masterpiece as you back up and see it in full. That is the way the Old Testament provides history through God’s eyes with a glimpse of pieces of prophecy about Christ. This study will put those pieces together in a way that will give you a fresh look at the Savior of the world.
Join a group of a half dozen men for Zechariah: Mosaics of the Messiah. It will help you to read the Old Testament to see different pictures of Jesus as revealed through this prophecy. A video each week of the 6-sessions weaves together these images from Zechariah with other Old Testament texts, to show their fulfillment in Jesus in the Gospels.
This group is designed for men of all ages to strengthen their faith in God and friendships with each other through learning about the Bible. Fridays 7:30-8:30am in the Discipleship Room at St. Peter’s. Fresh donuts served weekly!
Join Pastor Mark & Joann in Israel
The Disciples had a front row seat to the ministry of Jesus. He taught them. He prepared them. He changed their lives. Is it time to deepen your Biblical faith? On this 10 day tour, we will begin with the calling of the disciples at the Sea of Galilee. We will observe locations where Jesus worked signs and wonders among the people. Then we will visit Jerusalem where Jesus would offer Himself as the full sacrifice for our sin. We will visit the garden where we are reminded of the empty tomb, then looking to the hillside, recall Jesus Ascension where He would commission His disciples. You are invited to join us with your Bible in hand.
Interested in participating but the cost causing you to think it wouldn’t be possible? One of our members has offered to pay up to half of the cost of the trip for a member to attend. Reach out to Pastor Mark if that would make a difference for your participation - or for another person.
How many in the tour group? We need 20 to make the trip possible. Will you be one? Gather a friend or two or a few relatives. Would you help us by telling others about the trip?
View more details about the trip below. You may also pick up a printed copies on the Events section of the Next Steps wall.
Edina Heritage Award
In the early 1950’s, about 20 years after the congregation began, St. Peter’s had run out of space to accommodate all the families who were gathering to worship. At that time a new sanctuary was imagined that would make a statement about faith and Scripture. Under Pastor Schweigert’s leadership, a new worship space was designed with the experience of architect Ralph Rapson.
In 2013, St. Peter’s has received the Edina Heritage Award “Recognized for preserving and honoring the integrity of the original structure designed by Ralph Rapson and continuing to serve as a community gathering space.” We give glory to God for our the privilege of gathering together to worship each week.
Click the arrows to enjoy some pictures through the years.

The Chosen Small Group
Have you discovered The Chosen? It is the story of Christ and His Disciples in dramatic style. Witness some of the events and the signs, wonders, and messages of our Lord as seen through the eyes of the disciples. While based on the Biblical accounts, the interaction and dialogue is engaging and powerful. You will certainly be moved.
Led by Tim & Elizabeth Gaudineer, this small group meets on Wednesdays at 10am at St. Peter’s in the Discipleship Room. If you have questions, call (952) 934-4213.
Upcoming Member Birthdays
6/22 - Dan Utter
6/23 - Brynn Barber
6/23 - Sophie Kwan
6/24 - Joann Shockey
6/25 - Vada Ewald
6/28 - Brigitte Henne