Announcements (7-23-23)
Prayer Requests
Welcome to St. Peter’s!
If you are looking to grow in your faith, we are thrilled to welcome you! Stop at the welcome center for a “Welcome Home” book with more details about St. Peter’s. We’d love for you to call us your church home. We'd love to send you links to the messages each week so you can Simply this summer: Digital Connect Card.
Please join us for Caribou Coffee and treats in the Commons right after the service.
Pastor’s Bible Class
What is the first step to a life of simplicity? Join fellow worshippers to go a little deeper into additional Scripture verses to unclutter your soul.
Class begins each Sunday after worship in the Discipleship Room to the right as you leave the sanctuary. Pick up some refreshments on your way in. We have Life Application Bibles at each table.
Video Messages Links
Be sure you take in all the messages during June, July, & August in the Simplify series. Each week includes a simple action step. These are not intended to give you more to do (the opposite of Simplify!) but simply to create new habits that will enable you to live differently going forward.
Home Discipleship
You are welcome to take a Lutheran Worship Hymnal home for your devotional use. There are many resources in the first 200 pages - as well as hundreds of hymns. The music of the church has long been used to share the Gospel and teach theology. If you would benefit from the richness of this resource, please take one home with you. Pick up a copy at the Welcome Center.
Blood Drive for Veterans
Each quarter, St. Peter’s partners with the Rotary Club of Minnesota Veterans to host a blood drive along with a used electronics drive, clothing drive for veteran families, along with a drive for food and other new household items to stock apartments for veterans when they complete rehab. The drives will be held Thursday, July 27, from 1-7pm. Blood donation appointments are available.
Ready for to grow in your Discipleship?
The Disciples had a front row seat to the ministry of Jesus. He taught them. He prepared them. He changed their lives. On this 10-day tour, we will begin with the calling of the disciples at the Sea of Galilee. You are invited to join Pastor Mark and Joann on a trip to Israel. We will observe locations where Jesus worked signs and wonders among the people. Then we will visit Jerusalem where Jesus would offer Himself as the full sacrifice for our sin. We will visit the garden where we are reminded of the empty tomb, then looking to the hillside, recall Jesus Ascension where He would commission His disciples.
Interested in participating but the cost causing you to think it wouldn’t be possible? One of our members has offered to pay up to half of the cost of the trip for a member to attend. Reach out to Pastor Mark if that would make a difference for your participation - or for another person you could invite.
View more details about the trip below. You may also pick up a printed copies on the Events section of the Next Steps wall.
The Chosen Small Group
Have you discovered The Chosen? It is the story of Christ and His Disciples in dramatic style. Witness some of the events and the signs, wonders, and messages of our Lord as seen through the eyes of the disciples. While based on the Biblical accounts, the interaction and dialogue is engaging and powerful. You will certainly be moved. We are now in season 2.
Led by Tim & Elizabeth Gaudineer, this small group meets on Wednesdays at 10am at St. Peter’s in the Discipleship Room. NO CLASS ON 7/26. If you have questions, call (952) 934-4213.
Upcoming Member Birthdays
07/28 - Jim Ravell
07/29 - Eleanor Yeager
08/06 - Herm Schaekel