Unlabeled Theatre Company: a diverse company of artists with a wide range of talents and needs. Our performances are stronger and more impactful when we are able to showcase the abilities of all artists. Each role features an actor-artist with a cognitive/physical disability or are neurodivergent, who works with a shadow partner to develop and perform a role together. Because every member of our company has different needs and talents, each partnership is unique.
Seeking Actor-Artists 18+ who have a cognitive and/or physical disability or are neurodivergent, and are interested in the mission of Unlabeled Theatre Company of creating unified theatrical performances.
Seeking Shadow Partners 18+ Ideal partners would be those with professional, theatrical, performing experience, or who have experience working with individuals with different needs. Please email Jessica Froehlich, Artistic Director, if you are interested in working as a shadow partner.
Auditions: August 29th from 6:00-8:30 PM. General auditions will take place at St. Peter’s. No preparation necessary.
Audition Registration: Audition Registration (The SpongeBob Musical) You must pre-register before attending auditions.