Announcements (9-1-24)


We are expecting God to do great things today! Thanks for connecting with us. If you are on campus, stop at the welcome center for a “Welcome Home” book with more details about St. Peter’s. We’d welcome you to call us your church home.

If you are online or if we can serve you in some way or you’d like to receive a weekly email link to view the message, complete the Digital Connect Card.

Sit back, listen, participate, and enjoy yourself as the love story of Jesus covers over you with peace as only He can bring.

He Gets Us.

Maybe you are concerned that if others knew you and your story and your history, they would push back. And maybe you feel that is how God feels about you too.

Pastor Mark wants us to look at Jesus in a way that we notice the way He approached those He encountered when He lived in our world. The truth is… He gets us. He really does. And He is in love with you.

Maybe you saw these words in an interesting footwashing ad during the Olympics the last weeks. You are invited to explore the story of Jesus and consider His way of unconditional love, grace, and forgiveness of others. The series will run through the summer Sundays.

Video Interviews Today

After the service today, we invite you to share your thoughts about love. We will ask you 3-4 questions and will record your answers for a compilation with other worshipers from St. Peter’s for next week’s service. Interviews will take place in the Discipleship room after the service. The questions are about your experience with love - no deep theological insights needed, no Biblical trivia will be asked.


We value your feedback and are eager to hear from you! Whether you are a member of our church community or a part of our early childhood center, your insights are important to us. Please share your thoughts on what we are doing well and any suggestions for areas where we can improve. Your input helps us to continually enhance our programs and services to better meet families at the intersection of faith and real life.

Lutheran Schools & Aldi…

Did you know St. Peter’s operated an elementary school for 68 years? Thousands of students received a solid faith foundation and many, many went on to serve as educators, missionaries, and church workers. What a privilege! What a legacy that continues today as we educate our youngest community students!

Educational choices are so important in an age where many agendas are now taught in public education. One such choice is the schools of The Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod (LCMS). St. Peter’s supports LCMS schools and their commitment to teaching the Bible.

Thank you for supporting children in our communities. Our collection of school supplies was a huge success. School Supplies were delivered to Trinity First Lutheran School in the Phillips Neighborhood of Minneapolis. Their values are prayer, relationships, inclusive education, and family involvement. Along with the school supplies for students, we also provided $50 Aldi grocery cards for each of the 24 staff members from our St. Peter’s Mission Fund. Thank you for making it possible to further the sharing of faith and Biblical teaching.

Your Generosity Matters

Every wonder what happens after you place an envelope in the basket or push send on electronic giving? Great things! Every gift is important. Your generosity matters. Yes, your gift helps pay the electric bill and purchases coffee for Sunday mornings, but you also provide Bibles for those who are just learning about Jesus, and water for baptism, and salaries for those who lead worship each week. You enable us to reach those in our community, you provide carpet squares for the hallway, you support the sharing of the Gospel through the church around the world! And that is just the beginning…

There are many ways to give financially. We call it an offering because we are offering ourselves for God’s bigger purposes. What an adventure. We’d like to help you along the way. Check out the options on the website by clicking the button below. And if we can provide assistance or answer questions, but sure to let us know at

Together we meet families at the intersection of faith and real life.

Upcoming Member Birthdays

9/3 - Simon Klevay

9/5 - Bob Ewald

9/7 - Ann Weber

9/11 - Evelyn Arens

9/12 - Eileen Bierbaum

9/12 - Susan Carlson

9/13 - Michael DePesa

Prayer Requests


Announcements (9-8-24)


Announcements (8-25-24)