Did you know St. Peter’s operated an elementary school for 68 years? Thousands of students received a solid faith foundation and many, many went on to serve as educators, missionaries, and church workers. What a privilege! What a legacy that continues today as we educate our youngest community students!
Educational choices are so important in an age where many agendas are now taught in public education. One such choice is the schools of The Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod (LCMS). St. Peter’s supports LCMS schools and their commitment to teaching the Bible.
Thank you for supporting children in our communities. Our collection of school supplies was a huge success. School Supplies were delivered to Trinity First Lutheran School in the Phillips Neighborhood of Minneapolis. Their values are prayer, relationships, inclusive education, and family involvement. Along with the school supplies for students, we also provided $50 Aldi grocery cards for each of the 24 staff members from our St. Peter’s Mission Fund. Thank you for making it possible to further the sharing of faith and Biblical teaching.