Announcements (9-24-23)

Prayer Requests

Welcome to St. Peter’s!

If you are looking to grow in your faith, we are thrilled to welcome you! Stop at the welcome center for a “Welcome Home” book with more details about St. Peter’s. We’d love for you to call us your church home. If we can serve you in some way or you’d like to receive a weekly email complete the Digital Connect Card.

Please join us for Caribou Coffee and treats in the Commons right after the service.

I Love My Neighborhood

This fall, join us at St. Peter’s for a new message series, “I Love My Neighborhood.” We will discover how Christians can be a welcome influence in our neighborhoods. God has placed us right where He wants us! You will pick up some practical, Biblical ways that you can make a difference right where you live and be a welcome influence upon your neighbors.

Why not invite a neighbor to join you next Sunday as you seek to love your neighborhood?

Sunday Bible Class

Your neighborhood is a special place. Every neighborhood is different. During this series of messages this fall, you will discover how to love your neighborhood… and your neighbors. If you are interested in a discussion with other men and women that takes today’s Bible verse and applies it to our lives, please join in.

Class begins each Sunday after worship in the Discipleship Room to the right as you leave the sanctuary. Pick up some refreshments on your way in. We have Life Application Bibles at each table. Our discussion wraps up about 11:30am

National Good Neighbor Day

National Good Neighbor Day is September 28. In 1978 then-President Jimmy Carter signed a nationwide proclamation to promote the idea of good neighboring. Take advantage of this excuse to talk to your neighbors. Make a plan to connect with your neighbors. Part of our fall series of messages: “I love my Neighborhood.”

A Celebration of Life for Pastor Norm Ruthenbeck

On September 23, we gave Glory to God for the Life, Faith, & Ministry of Pastor Norm. It included singing of many hymns and songs that he planned for this celebration - a message of Living Hope for you!

A recording is available to view. You may provide a gift in Norm’s honor to the St. Peter's Lutheran Facility Fund

Walk Beside Derek Through His Treatments

In June, Derek Arens was diagnosed with cancer. Following surgery, he has been undergoing chemo treatments through the summer months. His treatment plan doesn’t allow him to work continuously and his work place benefits don't include short term income protection. A family friend has organized a fundraiser to give Derek and Amanda financial assistance with rising medical bills, insurance costs, and travel expenses to and from Mayo. Derek and his family are thankful for all of the blessings they have received to date from family and friends.

If you would like to donate to the fundraiser use the link below OR you can contribute through the St. Peter’s Family Care Ministry and we will get those to the family. Please continue to keep Derek, Amanda, Dean, and Evie in your prayers.


Every week, our STP Kids have an opportunity to learn the same thing the grown ups are learning in the message. They participate, discover, and grow in their faith with a fun, active approach. The Lesson Activity page includes tips and guidance for you to see what they are learning - or to share it yourself at home when you can be with us in person.

As Ms Jenna finds herself more pregnant this fall we are looking to schedule leaders. Every week we provide the lesson including the Bible story, parent sheet, and active learning activities, and a prayer. Want to give it a try? Email We will soon be sending out a schedule where you can share your availability to serve. Remember, we can team you up with another leader.

Video Messages Links

Be sure you take in the messages each week online. Our current theme, “I Love My Neighborhood” as well as several years of messages are located there. Listen to one when you take a walk or wind down at the end of a day. Or start one up for a commute. We generally see more views during the week that follows than on Sunday mornings. It is a tool that will prove useful for you.

Church History 100-600 A.D.

Our Men’s Bible Study group is going back in history! And we want to invite you to join us on Friday mornings at 7:30am. An old aphorism states, “You can’t know where you are going unless you know where you have been.” The knowledge of history impacts the present and the future. Christ’s church does not escape this truth. And that history is rooted in the most dynamic moment in the history of the world: the incarnation of the Son of God. The study will run for 12 weeks - or longer - history is still being made!

The Chosen Small Group

Have you discovered The Chosen? It is the story of Christ and His Disciples in dramatic style. Witness some of the events and the signs, wonders, and messages of our Lord as seen through the eyes of the disciples. While based on the Biblical accounts, the interaction and dialogue is engaging and powerful. You will certainly be moved. We are now in Season 2. Season 3 starts soon!

Led by Tim & Elizabeth Gaudineer, this small group meets on Wednesdays at 10am at St. Peter’s in the Discipleship Room. If you have questions, call (952) 934-4213.

Upcoming Member Birthdays

9/24 - Lyanna Fernandez Mendez

10/4 - Walt Stroebel

10/5 - Bill Wasmund

10/7 - Jennifer Bracket


Announcements (10-1-23)


Announcements (9-17-23)