Announcements (10-30-22)

Prayer Requests

Hurricane Ian Relief

Working with LCMS Florida-Georgia District Disaster Response Coordinators, Lutheran Church Charities teams are on the ground helping impacted individuals and families in hardest-hit areas. "The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit." (Psalm 34:18) The Florida - Georgia District President, James Rockey, released a video regarding disaster relief efforts following Hurricane Ian: Hurricane Ian video update. Please pray for the safety of those who were in the path of Hurricane Ian, including all of the LCC Disaster Response volunteers and staff deployed to the hardest-hit areas of Florida to help during the long recovery process. As disaster response efforts continue, donations are needed. Gift cards for stores like Lowes, Home Depot, Walmart, chain restaurants, etc. and checks can be mailed to Florida-Georgia District | 5850 TG Lee Blvd, Suite 500 | Orlando, FL 32822-4419



Good News. Great Joy.

Your family can participate in this beautiful gift of love for children around the world. Take a box home this morning. There are instructions in the box. Pack it with gifts and love and a picture of your family and bring it back to St. Peter’s by Sunday, November 13 to be sent to a location around the world and distributed through children’s ministries at churches where they will be invited to learn about Jesus. Want more information? Watch this video.

REPORT: Successful Blood Drive at St. Peter’s

The Rotary Club of Minnesota Veterans, who meets here at St. Peter’s, hosted their 11th blood drive collecting 74 units of blood, 13 more units of blood than the American Red Cross set as a goal for the drive! It was an effort to make sure that veterans at the Minneapolis VA Medical Center and other hospitals have the blood needed to sustain the lives of those who fought for ours. A word of thanks to those in our St. Peter’s family who participated. A side benefit was that the carpet was cleaned while the sanctuary was empty! Blood drives are held at St. Peter’s on the 4th Thursday of January, April, July, & October. Get a head start and sign up to donate in January:

The Lutheran Witness

The LCMS publishes a monthly newsletter both online and paper. Read stories here. There is also information about subscribing and receiving notifications. Read articles, series, even find podcasts to challenge you in living out your faith. The Lutheran Church Missouri Synod is the church body that St. Peter’s has been affiliated with since our church was planted in 1929.

Pastor Led Bible Class

You are invited to join with fellow worshipers to be challenged in the weekly WORD OF FAITH in more depth. Examine the context to see the setting of the story. Apply Biblical truth to your life. At 10:30am in the Discipleship Room to the right as you exit the sanctuary. Bring a cup of coffee and pick up a treat to enjoy on your way in.


Kevin Clarity (10/31)

Vincent Julius (11/7)

Arvin Anderson (11/10)

Mark Wheeler (11/10)

Diane Noerenberg (11/12)

Prayer Request Wall

Asking for prayer demonstrates a trust in the Lord to answer our prayer and a confidence that others walk beside us in our family of faith. Both are true! How may we pray for you? Use the prayer wall above to submit prayer requests.

  • click on the + Add prayer button above to request prayer.

  • Use the Watch button to receive email notifications for any requests on the wall.

  • Use the Submit a Private Prayer Request button to ask our St. Peter’s prayer team to anonymously pray for your need. (You may both post to the prayer wall & submit a prayer to the team).

Please allow us the honor to lift you up in prayer. “I urge you, first of all, to pray for all people. Ask God to help them; intercede on their behalf, and give thanks for them.” 1 Timothy 2:1, NLT

Discover Class

We are excited that we have new worshippers who have shared a desire to become members of our congregation! What about you? If you are ready to discover what it means to be a member of St. Peter’s, you are invited to join with others to sit down with Pastor Mark to learn more about our ministries and how you fit in. Start here: complete a “CONNECT CARD” and check the box “I would like more information about membership / St. Peter’s.” Or click the button below.


Announcements (11-06-22)


Announcements (10-23-22)