Announcements (11-3-24)


This morning, we are thrilled to welcome a special guest speaker, Mark Schoepp, an expert in issues surrounding aging family members. HIs message is entitled: “Home. a Comfort in the End?” This is a message for you if you have an aging family member or if you are that aging individual! Does your family have a plan? Isaiah 32:18 “My people will live in peaceful dwelling places, in secure homes, in undisturbed places of rest.”

If church is not a building, but the people, then where do God's people spend their time? Home. So perhaps church is home and home is church. Hmm...  just think of the possibilities!

Join us this fall as we discover Home. What changes if Christ dwells in your home? How can your home be a place of contentment and rest where others enjoy spending time? Together we will learn the practices of a Christian home.


What an honor to have you here! If you are on campus, stop at the welcome center for a “Welcome Home” book with more details about St. Peter’s. We’d welcome you to call us your church home. Use the Connect Card in the seat back to let us know you were here.

If you are online or if we can serve you in some way complete the Digital Connect Card. We’d also be happy to send you a brief weekly email link to view the message,

Sit back, listen, participate, and enjoy yourself as you discover how to invite Christ into your home.

Sunday Morning Presentation

Join us for a special presentation by Mark Schoepp for a deeper dive into the week’s Home theme: “My Own Home as Long as Possible” from 10:45 to 11:45 am in the Discipleship Room, following our coffee time.

Home Photos Needed!

Would you take a picture of the exterior of your home and then an inside shot of your favorite room and send it to Pastor Mark? Maybe you will see your home highlighted for the St. Peter's family during the next weeks - we won't identify the homes but you will know!  Text your pics to 612-799-0512 (and please identify yourself) or send them to We look forward to seeing your favorite place. Be creative, the outside pic doesn't have to be the whole building.

Attention STP KIDS Families:

We need bedroom pictures this week! We have a special assignment for you.  Please also send a picture of your home exterior and a picture of your child in their bedroom. This will be part of a project we are working on during STP KIDS time. Send the pics to Ms Jenna: 952-607-8686

Blessing of a Dwelling

Last week we talked about creating a Christian home. It was the first message of our new series Home. We talked about inviting Christ into our home. Pastor Mark compiled a Blessing of a Dwelling to help you explore each room of your home and apply Scripture to ensure it truly reflects a Christian household. There is a prayer for each room of your home.

Pick up a copy on the Welcome Center this morning or print a copy below. If you missed “A Christian Home.” be sure to click on the link above to view the message on our YouTube channel.

Operation Christmas Child

St. Peter’s will be partnering with Operation Christmas Child to deliver great joy and the Good News of Jesus Christ to children all around the world through gift-filled shoeboxes. Each box packed full of quality toys, school supplies, and personal care items becomes a tangible expression of God's immense love for each child. For many, it is their first gift ever! Collection day is November 19.

Nov. Voters’ Assembly / Board Nominations

Three times a year, the St. Peter’s family gathers to set direction for the future and to hear some ministry reports. We’d like to invite you to participate. And if you are a member, you are welcome to “vote” on congregational matters. (And while you are at it, vote in the national / state / local election at your polling place!) The meeting is Sunday, November 17 at 11:00am

The November Voters’ Assembly also includes the election of members of our Board of Directors, a group of five elected members responsible for the governance and leadership of areas of responsibility within St. Peter’s. The Board, working with the Staff, shall ensure that the Ministry Plan of the congregation will be implemented and sustained and shall be responsible for reporting on progress toward the Ministry Plan at the Regular Meetings of the Congregation. The Board members serve a 2-year term. We will be electing a Secretary and a Member-at-large for the January 1, 2024-December 31, 2026 term. We also need a Vice-President / Treasurer to fulfill a vacancy through the 2025 calendar year. A Nomination form is available below. A printed copy can be obtained at the Welcome Center. Descriptions of the positions are located on the form. You may also speak to congregational president Mark Wheeler, or any other current Board member to verbally submit a nominee.

Election Day Will Soon Be Upon Us

A quote attributed to President Theodore Roosevelt: “Patriotism means to stand with the country. It does not mean to stand with the president.” That’s an interesting observation.

St. Paul’s admonition in Titus 3:1-2: "Remind the people to be subject to rulers and authorities, to be obedient, to be ready to do whatever is good, to slander no one, to be peaceable and considerate, and always to be gentle toward everyone."

Though no political candidate, past, present, or future, is without significant flaws and weaknesses. Accordingly and sadly, it won’t be easy to vote on the basis of such important personal characteristics as honesty, integrity, morality, or likeability in this year’s election. Instead, many will hopefully be voting for the candidate whose platforms and political party adhere more closely than the other to policies that are in the best interest of our country’s future.

Election of our nation’s leaders is a critically important topic worthy of prayerful participation. It simply must not be diminished into a paltry personality preference. Be prayerfully prepared to cast your vote.

Here is a Prayer for Responsible Citizenship from Lutheran Service Book:

Lord, keep this nation under your care. Bless the leaders of our land that we may be a people at peace among ourselves and a blessing to the other nations of the earth. Grant that we may choose trustworthy leaders, contribute to wise decisions for the general welfare, and serve you faithfully in our generation, through Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen.

Support LCMS Disaster Response

Sometimes, being far away from disasters makes us a bit disinterested. But remember that we are able to be the hands and feet of Jesus in times such as this. The great news is there are many volunteers who have been trained to respond to disasters and have been onsite helping.

Lutheran Church Charities President/CEO, Rev. Chris Singer, and Disaster Response Director, Kathy O’Day, are monitoring communication with LCMS Disaster Response and Florida-Georgia District Disaster Response Coordinator Jay Wendland. LCC is engaged in ongoing conversations with multiple LCMS districts and local congregations.

“We know that so many lives have been upended and torn apart. They are entering this week without loved ones, homes, power, and basic needs. They need our prayers right now.” Singer said. “As the waters recede and power is restored, LCC stands ready to offer emergency assistance, tangible support, and most importantly, the comfort and hope found only in Jesus Christ.”

You may participate financially by giving through your offering marking the “other” line DISASTER RELIEF. Or you may give directly through the button below. All funds donated will go directly to disaster relief.

Your Generosity Matters

Every wonder what happens after you place an envelope in the basket or push send on electronic giving? Great things! Every gift is important. Your generosity matters. Yes, your gift helps pay the electric bill and purchases coffee for Sunday mornings, but you also provide Bibles for those who are just learning about Jesus, and water for baptism, and salaries for those who lead worship each week. You enable us to reach those in our community, you provide carpet squares for the hallway, you support the sharing of the Gospel through the church around the world! And that is just the beginning…

There are many ways to give financially. We call it an offering because we are offering ourselves for God’s bigger purposes. What an adventure. We’d like to help you along the way. Check out the options on the website by clicking the button below. And if we can provide assistance or answer questions, but sure to let us know at

Together we meet families at the intersection of faith and real life.

Upcoming Member Birthdays

Nov 10 - Arvin Anderson

Nov 10 - Mark Wheeler

Nov 15 - Pastor Dave Garwick

Nov 17 - Eden Pitkanen

Prayer Requests


Announcements (11-10-24)


Announcements (10-27-24)