Announcements (11-10-24)


Our last messages in this series are contentment and meals. Home is full of practices. Every home does things in certain ways. And that is great. This fall we are specifically addressing practices of a Christian home.

Join us this fall as we discover Home. What changes if Christ dwells in your home? How can your home be a place of contentment and rest where others enjoy spending time? Together we will learn the practices of a Christian home.


What an honor to have you here! If you are on campus, stop at the welcome center for a “Welcome Home” book with more details about St. Peter’s. We’d welcome you to call us your church home. Use the Connect Card in the seat back to let us know you were here.

If you are online or if we can serve you in some way complete the Digital Connect Card. We’d also be happy to send you a brief weekly email link to view the message,

Sit back, listen, participate, and enjoy yourself as you discover how to invite Christ into your home.

Pastor’s Bible Study

Come share some home traditions as you pick up some Biblical insights of homes of those who trusted God. Fill your home with blessing.

Everyone is invited. It is laid back, discussion based, you just need to be curious. No theological degree needed! We gather to learn from each other. We will meet from 10:45am-11:30am. Grab some coffee and a treat and come into the Discipleship Room and pull up a seat at a table. Bibles are provided.

This will wrap up our Home Bible Studies as we will not meet next week so we can participate in the Voters’ Assembly.

A Comfort in the end?

Last week during worship and a special presentation, Mark Schoepp shared about staying in: “My Own Home as Long as Possible.” There are many different aspects to consider as you plan for the later years of life for yourself or a family member. St. Peter’s has purchased the video series and we will offer those classes in he new year. The videos are available on his website for use in your own home along with additional tools below.

Nov. Voters’ Assembly / Board Nominations

Three times a year, the St. Peter’s family gathers to set direction for the future and to hear some ministry reports. We’d like to invite you to participate. And if you are a member, you are welcome to “vote” on congregational matters. (And while you are at it, vote in the national / state / local election at your polling place!) The meeting is Sunday, November 17 at 11:00am

The Board will be putting forth an action item for approval. The roof is in need of replacement and a motion will be brought forward to finance the project with the Lutheran Church Extention Fund before all the funds are raised. This requires member authorization at the meeting. Come learn more.

The November Voters’ Assembly also includes the election of members of our Board of Directors, a group of five elected members responsible for the governance and leadership of areas of responsibility within St. Peter’s. The Board, working with the Staff, shall ensure that the Ministry Plan of the congregation will be implemented and sustained and shall be responsible for reporting on progress toward the Ministry Plan at the Regular Meetings of the Congregation. The Board members serve a 2-year term. We will be electing a Secretary and a Member-at-large for the January 1, 2024-December 31, 2026 term. We also need a Vice-President / Treasurer to fulfill a vacancy through the 2025 calendar year. A Nomination form is available below. A printed copy can be obtained at the Welcome Center. Descriptions of the positions are located on the form. You may also speak to congregational president Mark Wheeler, or any other current Board member to verbally submit a nominee.

Operation Christmas Child

St. Peter’s will be partnering with Operation Christmas Child to deliver great joy and the Good News of Jesus Christ to children all around the world through gift-filled shoeboxes. Each box, packed full of quality toys, school supplies, and personal care items becomes a tangible expression of God's immense love for each child. For many, it is their first gift ever! Collection day is November 19.

For the Nation

Almighty God, You have given us this good land as our heritage. Grant that we remember Your generosity and constantly do Your will. Bless our land with honest industry, truthful education, and an honorable way of life. Save us from violence, discord, and confusion, from pride and arrogance, and from every evil course of action. Grant that we, who came from many nations with many different languages, may become a united people. Support us in defending our liberties, and give those to whom we have entrusted the authority of government the spirit of wisdom, that there may be justice and peace in our land. When times are prosperous, may our hearts be thankful, and in troubled times do not let our trust in You fail; through Jesus Christ, our Lord.

Red Letter Advent Challenge

Get ready for a powerful Advent journey unboxing the gifts Jesus wants you to both receive and give away: hope, peace, joy, and love.

Together, the St. Peter’s family journeyed through the Red Letter Challenge last Lent looking at the words Jesus spoke that are often Red in our Bibles. This Advent, we are going to enter into another life-changing Bible challenge complete with 25 daily readings; Sunday messages; Right Now Media videos; small group discussions; STP KIDS curriculum; family activities; and social media

Be sure to pick up your copy of the book beginning next Sunday. The 25 readings begin Sunday, December 1.

Thankful Hearts…

In response to God’s generosity in meeting our needs, we have the opportunity to respond to His goodness. If God has not blessed and provided for you, then you are off the hook! But if He has, why not share the blessing with others. And as you do, you will discover a whole new level of contentment and gratitude. Money back guarantee.

Check out the giving option on the website by clicking the button below. And if we can provide assistance or answer questions, but sure to let us know at

Together we meet families at the intersection of faith and real life.

Upcoming Member Birthdays

Nov 10 - Arvin Anderson

Nov 10 - Mark Wheeler

Nov 15 - Pastor Dave Garwick

Nov 17 - Eden Pitkanen

Nov 18 - Ling Yang

Nov 19 - Cameron Incitti

Nov 22 - Mardaline Vaye

Nov 23 - Julie Annen

Nov 23 - Lowell Kuhlman

Prayer Requests


Announcements (11-17-24)


Announcements (11-3-24)