Announcements (11-5-23)

Prayer Requests

Welcome to St. Peter’s!

If you are looking to grow in your faith, we are thrilled to welcome you! Stop at the welcome center for a “Welcome Home” book with more details about St. Peter’s. We’d love for you to call us your church home. If we can serve you in some way or you’d like to receive a weekly email complete the Digital Connect Card.

Please join us for Caribou Coffee and treats in the Commons right after the service.

Kids & Adults

Your neighborhood is a special place. Every neighborhood is different. During this series of messages this fall, you will discover how to love your neighborhood… and your neighbors.

During worship, when the message begins, our STP KIDS will be invited to a time of active learning just right for them to become great neighbors. They will come back and join their families later in the service.

If you are interested in a discussion with others that takes today’s Bible verse and applies it to our lives, please join in our Bible Class that begins each Sunday after worship in the Discipleship Room to the right as you leave the sanctuary. Pick up some refreshments on your way in. We have Life Application Bibles at each table. Our discussion wraps up about 11:30am.

Facility Fund

This year, when our ministry plan was passed by the congregation, we decided that we would cover operational expenses and normal maintenance through our offerings, but we would come back with some specific projects as the need arose. We have a few projects that would be great destinations for special year end giving.

1) Nobody notices the heat and A/C unless it isn’t working! When we find ourselves hot, or at this time of year, cold then we pay attention. We are looking to update the controls on our HVAC system so that we are comfortable as we gather.

2) An older building means cracks and flaws will be discovered. We did. In the form of water oozing up between the hallway floor tile. While we are repairing/replacing, we recognize that our early childhood children often come in with snowy boots, which makes for wet slick floors. You can help us install carpet squares to keep everyone dry and safe.

3) One of the hidden gems of our building is our full-sized gymnasium. Unfortunately, there were some leakage issues through the years. These have been corrected when the alley was repaved. But both the walls and the floors are looking a little worse for wear. We are investigating options to spruce up the gym that is used frequently by our community and congregation.

Loving Everyone in Your Neighborhood

Our mission is to use live theatre to provide performing and vocational opportunities for people with disabilities.

We will model and create a more inclusive world for people with disabilities - creating opportunities in every area of our organization to show the world what people with disabilities can do, and allowing them to truly be seen and be genuinely included.

Auditions for Shrek - The Musical are November 6 & 7.

Prayer for Our Neighbors

We need your prayers so much!

Here at St. Peter’s we are starting ministry partnerships to serve those living with intellectual and developmental disabilities. We are inviting the Unlabeled Theatre Company to provide performing and vocational opportunities for people with disabilities. We need your prayer and invite you to pray for the efforts and the families the Spirit has prepared for us to reach in prayer. Below is a prayer card that you can download. Even to pray 1-2 minutes would proclaim to the Lord that we are ready to care for those who are “Precious in His Sight”.

Upcoming Member Birthdays

11/10 - Arvin Anderson

11/10 - Mark Wheeler

11/15 - Dave Garwick

11/18 - Ling Lang

11/19 - Cameron Incitti

Grow In Your Faith with Others!

Learn more about opportunities to dig into God’s Word and experience the encouragement that comes from gathering with other believers. How powerful it is to be on Mission with one another.


Announcements (11-12-23)


Announcements (10-29-23)