Announcements (10-29-23)

Prayer Requests

Welcome to St. Peter’s!

If you are looking to grow in your faith, we are thrilled to welcome you! Stop at the welcome center for a “Welcome Home” book with more details about St. Peter’s. We’d love for you to call us your church home. If we can serve you in some way or you’d like to receive a weekly email complete the Digital Connect Card.

Please join us for Caribou Coffee and treats in the Commons right after the service.

Sunday Bible Class

Your neighborhood is a special place. Every neighborhood is different. During this series of messages this fall, you will discover how to love your neighborhood… and your neighbors. If you are interested in a discussion with others that takes today’s Bible verse and applies it to our lives, please join in.

Class begins each Sunday after worship in the Discipleship Room to the right as you leave the sanctuary. Pick up some refreshments on your way in. We have Life Application Bibles at each table. Our discussion wraps up about 11:30am.

I Love My Neighborhood

This fall, join us each week at St. Peter’s for a message series, “I Love My Neighborhood.” We will discover how Christians can be a welcome influence in our neighborhoods. God has placed us right where He wants us! You will pick up some practical, Biblical ways that you can make a difference right where you live and be a welcome influence upon your neighbors. Why not invite a neighbor to join you next Sunday as you seek to love your neighborhood?

Would you let us know what you are doing right where you live?


Loving Everyone in Your Neighborhood

Our mission is to use live theatre to provide performing and vocational opportunities for people with disabilities.

We will model and create a more inclusive world for people with disabilities - creating opportunities in every area of our organization to show the world what people with disabilities can do, and allowing them to truly be seen and be genuinely included.

Action Step: Prayer

We need your prayers so much!

Here at St. Peter’s we are starting ministry partnerships to serve those living with intellectual and developmental disabilities. We are inviting the Unlabeled Theatre Company to provide performing and vocational opportunities for people with disabilities. We need your prayer and invite you to pray for the efforts and the families the Spirit has prepared for us to reach in prayer. Below is a prayer card that you can download. Even to pray 1-2 minutes would proclaim to the Lord that we are ready to care for those who are “Precious in His Sight”.

Neighborhood Bingo

Everyone wins when you get to know your neighborhood! Neighborhood Bingo features activities designed to help you naturally get to know your neighbors better. The challenge is to do one or two boxes each week. When you get a bingo let us know at and win a prize!!!

October is Pastor Appreciation Month

Pastor Mark has served at St. Peter’s since June of 2000. We appreciate his participation in the community. Earlier in the month we shared how he has been part of Rotary since he first became a pastor in 1989 and is currently preparing for his year of service as District Governor, elected for the 2025-2026 Rotary year.

Pastor Mark also spends time at the race track. He serves as a NASCAR chaplain for a Cup Series team and spends many Saturdays down at the Elko Speedway during the summer months here in Minnesota. He is also part of the Youth Impact Racing remote control car leadership team. They mentor student racers in two Minnesota locations (Edina and Burnsville) and do summer events in church parkinglots, fairgrounds, and other events.

Today we see another aspect of Pastor Mark’s heart: serving young adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities. He says he is so comfortable doing this since he grew up in a family with an adult with a disability and knows how helping a person know they are precious in God’s sight can truly change a life. Pastor Mark teaches a weekly Bible Study and spends lots of time sitting on couches having fun discussions with many friends at AbleLight Village in Victoria, an inclusive Senior & Disability Housing facility. He has served on a promotion team for several years and also paints and cleans and does what is needed to get apartments ready to be home for those with disabilities.

We appreciate Pastor Mark and the Shockey family for their ministry to us and the community.


Every Sunday, our youngest worshippers head off at the beginning of the message for a time of active learning about the same Scripture that the adults hear about in the sanctuary. You can see the smiles as they prepared gifts for their neighbors. Sometimes they play a game, go on a discovery journey, learn a song, make a craft, color a picture, create a themed snack, memorize a Bible verse, watch a video, or just listen as the Bible story of the day is read. It is always an adventure.

We love our STP KIDS! All children are invited to participate. If children are under 2 it is important to have a parent or friend help keep them focused. Older students help the younger with projects. It is the church at its best!

Youth Impact Racing

Another season is underway. We need your children, grandchildren, neighbors, aged 6-16 to participate in our free remote control car racing program. Learn about automobiles, have run racing, learn about God’s love for you in our pit-stop. St. Peter’s has cars. We gather 6:45-8:15pm in the St. Peter’s gym on Tuesdays. Our next race night is November 7. That is followed by a winter season that begins in February. There are about 20 boys and girls who participate each week. Come check out the excitement. We could also use a couple new St. Peter’s volunteers. There are two 8-week seasons each year.

Grow In Your Faith with Others!

Learn more about opportunities to dig into God’s Word and experience the encouragement that comes from gathering with other believers. How powerful it is to be on Mission with one another.

Upcoming Member Birthdays

10/31 - Kevin Clarity

11/10 - Arvin Anderson

11/10 - Mark Wheeler


Announcements (11-5-23)


Announcements (10-22-23)