Announcements (11-19-23)

Prayer Requests

Welcome to St. Peter’s!

If you are looking to grow in your faith, we are thrilled to welcome you! Stop at the welcome center for a “Welcome Home” book with more details about St. Peter’s. We’d love for you to call us your church home. If we can serve you in some way or you’d like to receive a weekly email complete the Digital Connect Card.

Please join us for Caribou Coffee and treats in the Commons right after the service.

Whose Land is It?

It’s the oldest land dispute in history: for centuries, both Jews and Arabs have claimed to the be the rightful owners of the land of Israel. We will look at the rebuilding of Jerusalem during the ministry of Nehemiah as well as other Scriptures. Is the West Bank really “occupied territory”? Do the Jews hold the legal right to the land of Israel?

We will watch a second video series on the history of the land from CBN News that will help you understand the conflict we are facing and the confusion even in our country about the war. Bring some treats into the Discipleship Room just outside the sanctuary. We will start at 10:40am.

Voters’ Meeting December 3

The Fall congregational meeting this year will include the election of three members on the Board of Directors as pictured. If you are interested in serving on the Board or would nominate another t. Peter’s member, please speak with President Mark Wheeler or Pastor Mark.

The agenda will also include financial reports and updates of facility projects as well as an update about our partnership with Unlabeled Theatre Company and other ministry efforts. Join us in the sanctuary at 10:45am.

Facility Fund

This year, when our ministry plan was passed by the congregation, we decided that we would cover operational expenses and normal maintenance through our offerings, but we would come back with some specific projects as the need arose. We have a few projects that would be great destinations for special year end giving.

Loving Everyone in Your Neighborhood

St. Peter’s has partnered with an organization to reach those with intellectual and developmental disabilities: “Our mission is to use live theatre to provide performing and vocational opportunities for people with disabilities. We will model and create a more inclusive world for people with disabilities - creating opportunities in every area of our organization to show the world what people with disabilities can do, and allowing them to truly be seen and be genuinely included.”

You are invited to pray for this ministry partnership:

Upcoming Member Birthdays

11/27 - Paul Nagel

12/8 - Grace DuBe'

12/10 - Scarlett Klevay

12/10 - Matt Yeager


Announcements (11-26-23)


Announcements (11-12-23)